Saturday, August 29, 2015


We probably shouldn't find this funny, but we couldn't stop laughing about it.  While at the grocery store, Travis and I split up to get more shopping done and we both thought the other one had Jimmy.  We didn't realize he was gone until we heard him yelling, "Mommy! Daddy! WHERE ARE YOU?"  We stuck him in the cart for the rest of the time, so we wouldn't lose him again and he just kept repeating, "I lost Mommy.  I lost Daddy.  I lost Reed."  #momfail


  1. I'm glad everything worked out okay. We all have those kind of moments... At least I assume I'm not the only one.

  2. Lol. I've lost kids at the grocery store, more than once. Coulda been worse. Did you hear about Cherish Peterson from Gilbert this past week? I feel bad for her.
